Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nova?

The easiest way to keep count. Simple counters that you can control with one hand on mobile, tablet or desktop, and with a Bluetooth clicker on supported platforms.

How can I use Nova?

Just visit the home page and create a new counter by clicking the New Counter button. Or directly visit the New Counter page.

How much does it cost?

All counters are free. We're working on paid features to keep the lights on, but you can create as many counters as you like at no cost.

How do you handle payments?

We use Stripe for all our credit card payments. We also accept PayPal.

How do you earn money?

We earn money through purchases and subscriptions on the site, and also through affiliate marketing programs when we recommend products that can work with Nova. When you follow links on our site to retailer sites we may receive a commission on products you purchase.

I have another question not covered here?

Contact us! Send us a message, or email us at